martes, 19 de junio de 2007

I recognise it

- What's that voice claiming for help?
I've heard it before. I'm frightened, I'v never been to that room.
It seems it won't be easy to open that door, heavy and all rusty. I'll try, but it will take some time.

Text by N.A.R.icho, pic is here!

3 Almas deambulantes por aqui:

Luciérnaga dijo...

we're all askin' 4 picccs...xD! not really,but it would be so kind of you to put some... (jaja..con mala)...okey..about doors.. I got some.. a time ago..(I remember I found them suddenly...then I'll tell you about that if you want to).. and I still could't do anything with them.. there is a time for eache door... I understood. Maybe is your case too... maybe not.

muero de sueño!.bye...(entre las ganas de toser..y dormir! Dio'!:( el mundo con la peste, no?) :S


Sebastián dijo...

Tomo mi hacha doble y golpeo la puerta hasta reducirla a astillas de 1 cm cúbico máximo. ¿Qué modificador se aplica?

]N.A.R.icho[ dijo...

Seba... u didn't learn anything playing D&D! watch carefully! it's rusty... and it's heavy! so it's a metal door!!! u fool! that damn axe won't do! u'll need at least an axe+1 or higher!
So if u still do that i'll tell u what happens. ur axe is reduced to little little pieces, there u are unable to defend urself! u'll have to be lucky to get otta there! believe me! i've been there!.
Thnx for that comment!

Bren! thnx for the comment! i liked to see that i'm not the only one taking time in opening doors around there! i'm keen on reading what u have to say about that!